Its just hit 2pm, which means I’ve officially finished my 4 week swing and I fly out in just over an hour back to Perth. I will move into my new house, then tomorrow off to Bali to see Mandy, who I haven’t seen since the week after my deportation 10 months ago. So yeah, you can imagine I’m rather excited. Woop woop.
I had plans to write a post on camp life before leaving, I started it, but ran out of time and really don’t care as I’m off to Bali for 3 weeks, woop woop. So I will be out of communication for the next 3 weeks as Mandy and I catch up on lost time ;).
Hope alls hunky dory in your worlds.
Nuthin but love hap
Nuthin but love hap
Jun 6, 2008 -
Take good care of my baby sister for me. I hope you two plan to stay around in Australia long enough for la familia to come for a visit.
Jun 6, 2008 -
have a great time mate…
Jun 8, 2008 -
Crystal, got a sweet house -with a bar! and a swimming pool with a table in it that would be ideal for cocktail sipping!- come party!