The best job in the world!

NO, I’m not talking about my current job. You may have already heard about it. It’s being dubbed as “the best job in the world”. Tourism Queensland launched a worldwide publicity campaign last week, as they ask for applicants all over the world to send in their 1 minute videos of why they should have “the best job in the world”


So what is this job? It’s being promoted as an “island caretaker” where you live in a luxurious 3 bedroom mansion on Queensland’s Hamilton Island for 6 months. During your 6 month contract you are required to explore the vast array of surrounding islands and take part in island activities. The successful applicant is required to keep a weekly blog and video diary of their experiences. And if this didn’t sound good enough, they are also paying the lucky person $150,000 for their troubles!


As you can imagine, the interest in the job has well surpassed all expectations, with the website crashing last week due to heavy traffic. Which isn’t a surprise considering its been launched in 18 different countries and has been broadcast on the likes of the UK’s BBC. To find out more about this “best job in the world”, go to the official website or google “best job in the world”.


And yes my good friends, the question you’re probably thinking “Is Hap going to apply for the job?” Of course! I have not been this excited about a job application in my life. When I was reading through the credentials of the ideal candidate, I was thinking to myself “I tick all the boxes!”. To some it is a dream job due to its location, pay packet, plush living etc, but for me it’s a dream job as it encompasses all that I am passionate about: blogging, public speaking, writing, dealing with the media, outdoor adventure, the sea, travel, exploring a new place -it’s just perfect. Needless to say, I’ve put all my time, thought and energy into this project.


Keep an eye out on the islandreefjob website for my video application, or stay posted to my blog as I want to have my video up and posted before I fly out to work tomorrow morning.

Nuthin but love Hap