If you want to see why I believe this job was made for me, then check out my visual CV for the best job in the world.
If want to see my video application, click on this link: http://www.islandreefjob.com/applicants/watch/yoeC_Pw9JH0
If you want to see the making of my video application then go behind the scenes of my video application.
If you want to find out more about the best job in the world go to the official website.
NB: To my regular blog readers, this post is a sticky post (OK, I’m excited about the best job in the world, but not that excited), meaning I have set it to appear as the first post on my blog. My most recent posts will be following this.
Cheers, Hap
Feb 23, 2009 -
hello, hap – i have looked at your website and i see that you do a lot of extensive traveling. could you tell me – are you a us citizen?
have you been to france? i would really like to go over there, find work and live over there. i just have to ask you – because of your extreme independence, just how do you do it? how do you just go to a country, find some kind of work and survive over there? i guess it would depend on the type of work that you do. i am amazed.
Feb 25, 2009 -
Hi Bev,
No unfortunately I’m not a US citizen, I’m from New Zealand.
As far as going to a another country and finding work, the hardest part is makingthat decision that your going. Once you have set you mind to it that you are going and start working towards that goal, everything just falls into place around it. Just do it.
Thanks for your kind words.