Here’s some photos from above water.
Click on the album link below. The best way to view the photos is to double click on the first one, then flick through them. If they start off blury just give it a few second while it loads all the photos, and then you will be able to flick through as you like.
Lynn Cameron
Mar 16, 2009 -
Fabulous photos Hap. Wish G and I were there
with you and Mandy experiencing the beautiful
scenery and warm temps instead of working!!!
Great to talk at weekend.
Muz & G
Mar 16, 2009 -
Hey Muz,
Yep good to finally touch base. Glad you enjoyed photos, will put some more up soon when have some spare time. We just about to leave for a little chilled out island, yep, another one. Hope all still good in aotearoa>
nbl hAP