
It’s funny, here I am in Thailand, living on a beautiful island, diving everyday. To the people reading my blog it may seem all very exotic, but like anything it just becomes a reality. I sometimes just take it for granted. Well not so much that I take it for granted, but more that I don’t really take in what I’m doing and where I am, as it becomes routine.

But then I have times where I have a brain fart and snap out of it and realise where I am, I realise that my current reality was only a dream a couple of months ago. It’s so funny how a dream can become a reality so quickly.


Yesterday I had one of these brain farts. I had taken the afternoon off diving, was laying in the hammock with Mandy, trying to rummage the energy in the afternoon heat to get up and take the bike for a little adventure over to one of the more remote beaches.

While we were lying on the beach sipping cheap red wine from plastic yoghurt containers looking out at the solitary rock rising out of the shallow clear water, I thought to myself, ‘wow, this is pretty cool, I’m lucky’.


So I decided to write a post about it. To let people sit back and take a minute to be happy with what you have. OK, so you may not be lying on a beach in Thailand, but you will have many things that you just take for granted, friends, family, cool job, nice house, or maybe your just content.

And if your not happy with what your got, just be happy for all the things you don’t want and don’t have.

OK, I’ve done my good deed, I’m going to heaven, enjoy.

By the way if you send this message on to 10 people your day will be full of happiness,

if you send this message onto 50 people you life will be full of happiness,

if you send this message onto 100 people, you’re just a bloody fool, and if your going to do that then you may as well send your credit card details to because I just won the lottery and want to give half the money to you.

Nuthin but love Hap