Mandy and I have been in Asuncion, Paraguay’s capital city for 3 weeks now. We have been living with Mandy’s boss, Stael and her husband Jose Luis. They have surpassed the friendly hospitable reputation of the Paraguayan people. We have been made to feel a part of their family, inviting us to family dinners and lunches.
Mandy and I have been spoiled, staying in their 2 storied pool house, nestled in the garden at the back of the property.
In Paraguay there is big difference between the rich and poor, and there is not really any significant middle class. But the upper and lower classes rely quite heavily on each other. The upper class rely on their maids and labourers for the day to day running of the of the house and the lower class rely on this paid employment.
So it is common for the upper class to have full time maids. At our house there are two great maids Marcella and Julia who have been with the family nearly 30 years. At first it takes a little bit of getting use to, having all your meals cooked and served to you and not to mention laundry and house cleaning done. But I’m always willing to fit in and somehow I have managed to adapt!
Next week Mandy and I will be moving to Mandy’s good friend Carlos’s house, who is actually Stael’s brother, so we will have to get reuse to the bus system all over again! In my future posts I will let you know about work, study and my Paraguayan acting career!