Howdy folks, this is a long one explaining my lack of posts the past couple of weeks. Get a cup of coffee and a handkerchief ;), haha, all good, read on to see where my next chapter will be starting next week.
2 weeks ago this was how I was feeling, these words owned my thoughts, hapworkingtheworld had hit a wall, that wall was made of Antarctic ice. From previous posts you know how hard I have tried to get to Antarctica. 3 years ago my obsession of getting work in Antarctica started, trying to get work at the research bases in Antarctica, which especially saw me applying for cleaning jobs (only position in which I was able to apply for) at New Zealand’s Scott base, only to be turned down each year at the annual recruitment.
Then I turned my attention to getting work on the Antarctic cruise ships and boats that leave from Ushuaia at the bottom of Argentina (hence the reason I came to South America). When I arrived in Paraguay 3 months ago my days were spent applying to all 52 companies that are registered to work in Antarctica, and then all the recruitment companies and all the contacts I got from those emails. But there is only so many rejection letters one man can take. When you want something so much, and you put all your energy and passion and your life into it, only to get rejection letter after rejection, it gets hard, I would of spent 100 hours dedicated to this, and what did I have to show for it at the end, nothing (this is where the sad violin music starts playing and you wipe the tear from your eye).
Then a month ago friends and family sent me news about 2 volunteer positions available for the upcoming Antarctic season, where 2 applicants would be chosen to paint the outside window sills of Scott Base. Most people are probably thinking “painting outside in -40˚C! Even if you paid me I wouldn’t do it, and do it free, you have to be joking”, but for me it was perfect. This was my opportunity, I met and exceeded all the criteria, I was confident, there was hope again. All my energy went into completing the application form, doing all my background homework, ie ringing up and emailing people to see if I was eligible to enter from outside of New Zealand, which I wasn’t, but then I managed to organise a return ticket to NZ, so that didn’t matter etc., signing up to the organisation and paying the fee, and dad did a shit load of work sending it away, as I was unable to from Paraguay.
And then you guessed it, another “your application has been unsuccessful”! The reason my application had been unsuccessful was because my motivation for going to Antarctica didn’t align with what the organisation was looking for. That aside, after 3 years of being rejected for cleaning jobs and then volunteer work, and the countless other jobs, my will, my motivation for Antarctica had reached an all time low, I felt like just sitting back and forgetting about it, I had literally exhausted every possible way of getting there, and exhausted my motivation for it in the mean time.
I tried looking for other things to put my energy into, I grabbed hold of the idea of starting tours here in Asuncion. Perfect, I could put Antarctica on the back burner until next year when I would have a fresh breath of wind. So I planned out the tours, talked to the restaurants, did trial runs etc. Then I started spending my days at the tourist office trying to recruit tourist for my tours. But this market research pointed to one problem, there was no market here, there were no tourists, and the few backpackers that did come here are the adventurous types wanting to get off the beaten track, hence the reason they are in Paraguay, therefore are not the type of travellers to do a tour.
Soooooo, my days continued going to my “Fame” rehearsals, teaching here and there, trying to start up tours etc. I never wrote about this, but I was a part of the Fame musical that is to be held here at the end of this month. I joined it when I arrived here in Asuncion, to try something new out, yep, Hap singing, scary, and dancing, not soo scary but still scary. I enjoyed the experience, being surrounded by energetic teenage girls in leotards dancing around with the unharnessed enthusiasm and confidence that bubbles in adolescents.
Anyway I had been going about my daily business here, but there was something missing. I was feeling lost, not knowing where I was going, I was always going to Antarctica, but I had tried so hard and got nowhere, I couldn’t face going down and trying to find work, my Antarctica batteries were deflated. My tours, I knew they weren’t going to work, but still I pushed on as I needed something, and as for what I was going to do in the summer when Mandy was back in the States with the exchange students, I didn’t know.
So I was lost, deflated, a lack of motivation, I was a skinny stray dog running down the street but not knowing what I was running from and not knowing where I was running to. In fact I wasn’t even running, I was just staying still and the world around me was running, caught up in everyday life, like a person from the countryside coming to New York city and standing in the middle of the road, not knowing what to do, the cars are honking there horns shouting “what are you doing?”, and the country bumkin just stands there not knowing how to cross the road, but still the cars speed past and honk their horns.
It was looking like Hap was going to have to change his name to Sad, I wasn’t myself. I did some soul searching; I just let the traffic pass me by honking their horns while I figured out how to cross the road. Then I realised that the big ice wall in front of me just needed to be pushed over and made into a bridge! I wasn’t being fulfilled here in Asuncion, don’t get me wrong, I love it here, I love the people, I really do love it, but you need a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
So I pushed that bloody ice wall over and made a bridge to Ushuaia, the end of the world. Yep, I had decided that I was going to Ushuaia, Argentina, the port where all the Antarctic bound vessels leave from. How could I not, this was the reason I had come to South America. It wasn’t an easy decision, I had to let certain people down, for example I had to quit Fame, I had to stop teaching a class I had just started, I wouldn’t be here for Mandy’s 30th. But what it came down to was one question “What’s more important, making other people happy or making myself happy?”
On the 9th of November I will fly from Asuncion, yep fly, I had the choice of a 100 hour bus ride or flying, for the same price, ummmmm, yeah I’ll fly. I’m under no illusions as to what my chances are at getting work on the boats to Antarctica, basically they are slim to none, as all the cruise ships have their offices in other countries and just use Ushuaia as a port to leave from. It’s not like I’m going to walk up to a cruise ship and ask if they have work and then start right away. A big recruitment process needs to take place, ie medical checks, are your mentally stable to be working on cruise ships etc. And the private vessels that leave from Ushuaia to Antarctica, they will be organised, they’re going to Antarctica, not some tropical island to relax, they are adventurers that have been planning this trip for a year, they will have their crew all organised.
So basically my hope of getting Antarctic work lies with swine flu coming back with vengeance and hits the cruise ship community and they need someone at the drop of a hat. All I know is that I have more chance, all though not much of a chance, at getting to Antarctica if I’m in Ushuaia compared to being in landlocked Paraguay. I’m not going there to get work, I’m going there to try and get work. All I can do is try. With this decision made I am back to being Hap, I’m alive again, I’m excited about the challenge ahead, I have my tent and my sleeping bag and a free campground waiting for me in Ushuaia, Hap is working the world again, or should I say Hap is trying to work the world.
Nuthin but love to you all.
PS, Sorry for the long post, I had to explain my long absence, I think that is the longest I have gone without writing a post. Once I get to Ushuaia I will keep you more updated and a new place always inspires new writing.
Stuart Outward Bound
Nov 4, 2009 -
Hey Hap
just lettin u know tht I live readin your posts. You probably have no idea how inspirational they are to others.
Anyway, just wanted to let u know I wishing u the best of luck on your mission. I remember when u first told the crew your dream to work in all continents by 30. You’re so close – don’t give up now buddy.
“Keep on pushin”
Nov 4, 2009 -
Hey Stu,
great to hear from you mate, cheers for the words of encouragement, keep on pushing, so very true, good ol Scott watch, hopefully I have as much luck as our good man Mr Scott, he made it to Antarctica.
Hope all is going well for you.
Nuthin but love hap
Paul Matthews
Nov 4, 2009 -
Mate, I wondered what had happened. Good luck with it bro, I have no doubt you’ll get there eventually.
Nov 4, 2009 -
yeah bro, what was the Brazil theme song, “a simple game between up and down”, haha, yeah pumped for the mission now. What your plans? you still heading South America ways.
Hope you filled in your mornings ok with out the blog posts. Love to Lynds
crystal edge
Nov 4, 2009 -
Now the “going away” party photos on FaceBook make sense:) After all of your efforts, how could you NOT go this last mile? A tough decision, no doubt…given the various circumstances. Keep following your folly and know, that no matter what the outcome, you did absolutely everything you possibly could to make this a reality. I know that it doesn’t feel good right now to poke at your situation, but one day this rejection will make excellent travel memoir material for your book! Hugs, Kisses, and the best of Luck;O
Nov 4, 2009 -
yeah totally agree Crystal!
Yeah back on trarck, had my going away party last weekend, great time, had enough meat to feed a small African village, the funny part was that there were more Vegeatarians than meat eaters, but don’t worry I ate the vegeatarians worth.
Mandy and I are off this weekend for a little romantic weekend get away and then I fly out Monday evening. Mandy is super excited about heading to Brazil for xmas and NY, and super excited about seeing you guys in Janurary! you guys have fun, love to the family.
NBL hap
Nov 4, 2009 -
Good luck Hap! I’ll be thinking of you and wishing you luck from Japan (but don’t forget I’m a kiwi too!)!
Keep in touch with us avid readers of your blog and let us know how you’re doing 🙂
Nov 4, 2009 -
Cheers Andrea,
big hugs, appreciate it, glad to know people actually enjoy reading it. I say I will be updating more when I get to Ushuaia, I leave on Monday, yep yep yipeeee.
I hope things are going well for you in Japan, what part of Japan are you in? What are you doing there?
Nov 8, 2009 -
Tomorrow eh? Wohoo!!!
My husband is Japanese which is pretty much why I’m living in Japan. I’m in Nagoya, have you been here before? I know you’ve been in South Korea. I’m a good ol English teacher at an international junior high school here but now I’m on maternity leave! Officially 4 days to go but we’ll see when the baby decides it’s keen to adventure upon the world.
Good luck down south!!!!!
Nov 12, 2009 -
Good luck to you Andrea!
The little bundle must be out now, if not, I’m sending you a big lot of good luck from the bottom of the world! GOOD LUCK!
I have only been to Tokyo and Osaka, capsul motels, i love Japan, so clean compared to Korea.
Thanks again for following my travels and commenting along the way, its the feedback from people that keep me going sometimes.
Thank you and GOOD LUCK! HAp
Nov 5, 2009 -
You gave up a role in Fame – what were you thinking!?
Wishing you all the best of luck and all that – you know you’ll acheive what you’re after in the end. Just look at what you’ve done already – it’s insane!
Cheers, DanD
Nov 12, 2009 -
DAndy mate!
You would of been a Fame fan back in the day! Cheers for the words they all help. Thinking back to Korea, you and Wendy were right there at the start of the journey, you’re right, have done a bit since then. I hope lifes all good for both of you in Canada.
Nuthin but love Hap
barnaby davies
Nov 5, 2009 -
I know exactly how you feel, Hap. And I wish you the very best of luck in Ushuaia.
If I lived nearer, I would be doing exactly the same thing. The passion for visiting Antarctica can only be sated by…going to Antarctica!
Barnaby (failed Official Blogger for Quark Expeditions!)
Nov 12, 2009 -
Barnaby mate,
Currently in Ushuaia, I think i got to as close as Antarctica as I could today, went to the end of the world! Was snowing. Mate those cruise chips are sooo close, just see them sitting in at the port, and saw your mates Quark. Hope the rock n roll industry is treating you well.
Nov 5, 2009 -
They say one must have lows to appreciate the highs – and I’m optimistic it is just down the road for you Hap! Enjoy the posh flight – savour the airport lounge and the cup of coffee as you whisk your way south to the port of the unknown for the land of the unknown.
I looked up some adventurer quotes for you that I think fit….
“I decided that adventure was the best way to learn…” Lloyd Alexander (and learning you are my dear)
“Life is adventure, not predicament.” – James Broughton (this is you to a T ;0))
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T. S. Eliot
these last two are spot on too
“Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing.” -Johann Friedrich Von Schiller
“You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” – Rabindranath Tagore
Nov 12, 2009 -
You’re a darl JO,
Cheers for that, I really appreciate it, I have written them in my diary and will be looking at them the coming weeks. I’m writting this from Ushuaia, infact its my Brithday, yep 28 in the bottom of the world, had a real good day.
Thanks again love, good to read your message and remind me of these things!
Un beso Hap
Nov 8, 2009 -
Hap Bro
On reading the responses on your blogg I thought I should put one on myself being your “Ultimate Mentor” and Creator!
I was taken with Jo’s quotes and Stuart of Outward Bounds comment and I have picked up on these themes and remind you of the Motto;
‘To serve, to strive and not to yield”.
You are the epitamy of this. Every journey has its twists and turns (I found that out when you came along!). Nuthin wrong with taking a breathe a long the way, re evaluating then taking the next step.
It will HAPpen
PS HAPpy Birthday on 11 11 09
Nov 12, 2009 -
Cheers G,
cheers for all the help and support, really as great having great parents like you and mum who support me in what I do, soooo many people i have met along the way have parents pressuring them to do the “normal” path. cheers for that. Good having the birhtday talk.
Nuthin but love Hap