To keep you updated, I’m still in Ushuaia, I still look like I have a sheeps daggy back side hanging off my head.
You probably want to know what’s happening after yesterday’s blog post. Basically I’m just playing the waiting game. The interview never came into fruition, but the hospitality manager from the cruise ship emailed me back and said:
Your details have been forwarded to the Office as we need to have all Crew vetted through our HR Department. The biggest obstacle in hiring will be the necessary Medical required by law for any Crew onboard as a health certificate needs to be issued by the home country. I will hopefully have a reply by tomorrow and will be able to give you details. As a Crew member onboard we need to make sure all relevant documentation is in order. Enjoy your stay in Ushuaia and hopefully we will see each other soon.
Yep, it looks positive, but I’m not counting my chickens until I’m walking the gangway. I’m no longer nervous about my dreads, there gone burgers, I’m obviously just nervous to hear back, I’m close, I have butterflies in my stomach, my fingers are shaking, sooooo close. I will keep you posted!
Dec 2, 2009 -
Fuerza amor!! xx
Dec 2, 2009 -
gracias mi amor,
Paul Matthews
Dec 2, 2009 -
Go you good thing!
Dec 2, 2009 -
Cher bro, still playing the waiting game. feels like when we were sleeping in the car in Canada, getting our certs and doing courses for the rigs and not knowing if we were going to get the work, but all works out sweet aye, fingers crossed.