Hey folks,
This is going to be real quick post, I have been running around like a headless chicken all day, buying new shoes, new clothing, and other supplies, like shampoo and shaving cream (Its been a long time since buying that).
I have also been trying to get my medical completed. This involved going to one place to get my x-ray done, another place for my blood, faecal matter and urine sample, another place for my cardio gram, then collecting all the results and taking them to a doctor to do the medical. So I got the stamp of approval on my medical exam. But there were still a few tests I couldn’t complete due the results not being ready (it takes a week for the results to come back from Buenas Aires), so it still comes down to the doctor onboard giving me the go ahead to be able to embark the boat. Here is the email I received:
I advised the ship (Hotel Director and the Doctor) that you will show up tomorrow morning at the pier with all the paperwork. The Doctor will check your medical exams and based on his judgment you will be allowed to board…or not.
Good luck to you and all the best
So yep that’s it folk, tomorrow at 9am (in 10hours) I will be arriving at the pier where the cruise ship is. All going well I will spend the day getting my induction and then the boat leaves in the evening. If you haven’t heard from me in the next couple of days, it means I’m on my way to Antarctica! It hasn’t really sunk in yet, I haven’t had time to sit down and take it in, but it is very close, very close indeed, infact I just saw the boat pull up to the pier.
Oh yeah, another thing, those of you in New Zealand should check out this coming Sunday Star Times, my PR manager Barney (I pay him in smiles) got me an article with the lovely Emma. Those of you not in NZ will be able to view the article on line, just google Sunday Star Times.
OK folks, cheers for all the support, fingers crossed. Butterflies.
Dec 10, 2009 -
May the Doctor be with you!
I’m so excited for you Hap…and anxious and nervous. I’m off ot the motherland next week for Nikki Holdgate and Sam Hills wedding so I will be sure to give the country and its menfolk your love.
I’ve never wanted to not see a Hapworkingtheworld post but for the next two days I really really hope you are unable to update!
Well Done love xx
Dec 10, 2009 -
All of woodie have our fingers crossed!
Dec 16, 2009 -
Cheers El,
I am currently on the cruise ship and have been thinking of good ol woodie, i tell you what, this antarctic cruise ship working lifestyle makes woodie look like a resort, seriously, i’m sharing a closet cabin and share a bathroom between 4, but all good, so you make sure everyone at woodie enjoys there luxury and of course the flies! none of them down here, and i reckon that the kangaroos and penguins would get on real well, my top2 favourite animals.
big love to woodie, great to hear from you El
Rochelle McLeary
Dec 11, 2009 -
congrats bro!
miki and I have our fingers crossed for you
Dec 16, 2009 -
G’day my fellow Colombian Kiwi compatres,
Hows it all hanging, and I know that means something totally different! haha, classic. Cheers guys
Nuthin but love Hap
Paul Matthews
Dec 11, 2009 -
I hope the doctor has to give you one final internal examination. Maybe we need to get Dr Parr over there for old times sake?
Gary Daniels
Dec 13, 2009 -
Greetings from Dunedin and good luck. Let me know if/when you want me to use my African contacts to try to get a job there for you (I grew up there).
Dec 16, 2009 -
Hi Gary,
Cheers mate, thats awesome, really appreciate those generous offers of help, we will keep in contact. I hope the dunners summer is getting some warm weather.
Dec 16, 2009 -
Hey mate,
great, awesome of you to offer, we will keep in contact for sure. I hope the dunners summer is bringing you some warm weather.
Dec 14, 2009 -
Great article Hap. Silence is golden my friend, silence is golden. Congratulations – have the time of your life.
Hana Fahy
Dec 14, 2009 -
Awesome. I take it that means some time in the company of the outstanding Sidey siblings. Lucky!
Dec 16, 2009 -
Hey Hana,
i just passed by their cabin and had a little red wine after my shift. Those Sidey’s are definitely a great breed. Hope all good for you, i hear you have an album out of that beautiful voice of yours, good on ya! Wishing you all the best.
Dec 23, 2009 -
hey Hap, read your article in the Sunday Star Times and was sufficiently inspired to check out your website – pretty fantastic stuff. Enjoy Antartica!
Dec 25, 2009 -
Hey Cass,
Cheers for the comment, glad you enjoy the blog and the article. Wishing you a great xmas back in NZ, well I suppose its nearly over now, but have a great New Years. I’m currently in the Falkland Islands, enroutet to South Georgia and should be spending New Years in Antarctica.
Have a good one, Hap