Wow, that’s all I can say, it’s been amazing all the comments and emails I have received from everybody, from so many different people, old neighbourhood friends, strangers, uni mates, fellow travellers and you my blog readers.
It really sunk in the other night that I had achieved Antarctica when I finally got some US$ to purchase an internet card and checked my blog. All the comments and messages, it was a really warm fuzzy feeling, THANK YOU all so much for being on my little journey and helping me along the way. There were times when your comments and messages gave me that little bit of motivation, kept me going when I just wanted to say “stuff you Antarctica, just bloody melt”, you all don’t know how much all your supportive comments made, THANK YOU.
I always pride myself on replying to emails and comments, but I have had to draw the line, as I get off work at midnight, come back to my coffin sized top bunk bed and think I will quickly check my email and blog. Well 2 hours later I’m still tapping away, with the dreaded beep beep of my alarm clock drawing closer –speaking of which it’s 1.30am. And as I have been doing the landings (going by zodiac boat to land) during the day I have not been sleeping on my work breaks. This is not good for my Panda eyes I’m developing or my pocket as I have to buy $20 internet cards. So please except my apology if I have not replied to your message, I still love you! And if I spend all my time replying, I can’t spend that valuable hour a day writing a blog.
So once again, a big thank you to my family who give me nothing but support for my nomadic ways. Mandy my girlfriend who is soooo understanding, for example what girlfriend would support her boyfriend to randomly take off 2 weeks before her 30th birthday probably for 4 months just because he says “I just have to go to Ushuaia and try for Antarctica, it’s now of never”.
There are so many more thank you’s I have to do, but it’s bed time. But one last thank you, THANK YOU to you guys, my blog readers, it’s been great sharing this all with you and having you along and riding the ups and downs with you all, WE DID IT!
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot, Merry Christmas…………………….from Antarctica!
Dec 17, 2009 -
Yeah baby Yeaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!! You´re THERE!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?! It´s still really exciting for me, sorry. Big muahs
Dec 18, 2009 -
Hap, a big congradulations from me back here in the States. You are a motivation to me in my journeys and no doubt a huge motivation for folks out there to just get up and do what drives them. Marcio and I talked a while back and couldn’t believe your haircut! Pure sex appeal, haha. As for me, I’m off to Nicaragua in February to work with another medical relief foundation and continue my tour of Latin American countries. I hope we get to meet again someday. Keep us updated, and know you have my full support.
Dec 19, 2009 -
Yeah mate I look a bit different aye, wait till you see me in my waiter uniform, you’ll have a laugh.
Cheers for the words mate, wicked to see that you adventure continues, no doubt next time we meet you’ll be fully fluent in Spanish and be half latino! OK captain shot gun, off to get some shut eye, keep in contact, and best of luck.
Dec 18, 2009 -
Looking forward to hearing about life as a manservant…er, waiter. Hopefully there are nice people on board, despite the 6 star status. Also looking forward to hearing about wildlife sightings…especially the ocean variety. Keep warm and keep blogging. Oh, and get some damn sleep once in a while too. Much love from me and la familia, Crystal
Dec 19, 2009 -
Cheers for all the comments Crystal, will get some blogs up, just trying to upload a video now. Theres some awesome scenery and wildlife here, I just been haning out with the penguins today, and spotted two humpback whales during lunch, good times.
OK, i best take your advice and get some sleep,
NBL hap
Johne Edge
Dec 22, 2009 -
From surfing for Baby Jesus in Mexico, to playing with penguins. Glad you made it my friend. One to go.
Merry Christmas
los borrachos
Dec 23, 2009 -
Hola Amigo,
Cheers mate, glad you jumped onboard the blog, Crystals great at leaving my comments.
Have a good xmas, it was this time 3 years ago that we were in Sayulita.
Un brazo