Hey folks,
If you’re interested to read the article the Sunday Star Times published about my goal, click here.
I’m currently just heading over the Drake Passage, the notorious body of water between Antarctica and Argentina. I should be back in Ushuaia tomorrow evening. Although that means nothing, I’m still working on the boat the whole time, basically we drop one load of passengers off and pick up a new bunch and head off again. Next trip we are going on an 18 day cruise and incorporating the South Georgia islands as well, Sich says there is great wildlife there, in the form of penguins etc, so that should be cool
OK, will post a little video of my first outing on Antarctica in the next day or two.
Dec 20, 2009 -
Hey babe that link to the article dosn´t seem to be working…….i googled you and couldn´t find it…..anyway, fuerza amor, work hard and rest well xoxo
Dec 20, 2009 -
It should be working now.