OK, so I might say my job is the worst job I have ever had, blah blah, but it’s not all doom and gloom. Every now and then there’s a sunbeam that shines through the routine, and yesterday was one of them. Yesterday was a day that will go down as one of my more memorable days of work. Let me share it with you to give you a little ray of light amongst my dark posts.
Within the dining room crew my nickname is Tourist Boy. This is because I always go on the landings when the opportunity arises and I’m always taking photos as www.hapworkingtheworld.com is a full time operation, haha. Since I started my blog I have evolved with my camera in my pocket. I’ve mentioned previously my work mates are on the ship to work, and I’m here to experience the great wonder that is Antarctica.
So when my boss asked the dining room team who wanted to work the afternoon serving champagne to the guests, everyone said “Tourist Boy will!” And I was like, “hell yeah, Tourist Boy will!”
Why was I so excited to serve champagne? Because I was to be serving champagne outside, in the picturesque Le’ Maire channel, while in a Zodiac dinghy.
The afternoon was spent zipping through this spectacular channel between sculpture-like icebergs, watching leopard seals and taking in the sublime beauty. Oh yeah, and of course serving the odd glass of champagne now and then.
As often as I paint a gloomy picture, this particular day was definitely one of those “I’m so lucky” moments. In fact, this entire last cruise has been like that, while I’m doing all my “lasts.” It seems it’s always the way, that when you know you’re leaving you start to appreciate everything so much more.
OK, enough of this lovey-dovey blog post! Back to “living the nightmare” – I really have to stop watching Fox news!
Jan 28, 2010 -
the photo of you with the champers should be The Antarctica working pic for the book (nothing like a pretty picture to fool the masses who haven’t read the real trials and tribulations).
Stunning day at the office. Jealous.
Jan 29, 2010 -
haha, yeah looks great.
Back to reality now, arriving back in Ushuaia soon, after dinner service will do loading until 2am, then start back at 6am for a full days work until 5pm when I disembark. Its quite good getting worked to the bone right to the last minute as it will feel really good walking the gangway and I won’t be jealous of all my co-workers that then have to carry on working and smiling until midnight. My plan is to go and have a beer and watch the ship sail off for the final time.
OK love hope you all good and things going along nicely, cheers for the comments.
Jan 28, 2010 -
Stunning and surreal photos, Hap… I’m glad that you are going out on a positive note ;O
Jan 29, 2010 -
Yeah, been amazing, I have done every possible landing available now on the Antarctic schedule and this outing put the icing on the cake, and the sunset that night was the most spectacular I have seen, hopefully i can get the photos from the onboard photographer as i had no battery.
Love to the family, Mandy having a great time.
besos HAp
jill gordon
Jan 28, 2010 -
Hi Hap,you have got my attention at last with the champagne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have only learnt that i can give you a comment!!
All looks amazing,keep up the good work.
Looking forward to seeing you
Love Aunty Jill
Jan 29, 2010 -
Glad to have you onboard Aunty J. Mandy and I super excited at catching up with the family and having the usual good times.
See you soon at Hotel Chill on upland road.,