Hey team,
Just a quick update on where I am and what I’m doing. No doubt you’re starting to have withdrawal symtpoms with my sparse blog posts of the past month.
I’m still in New Zealand and just got back last week from an awesome road trip to the beautiful South Island (I hope to get a blog post done on it). Next Thursday Mandy and I fly out to Melbourne where we plan to “settle down” for a year and earn some money and some sponsorship for my final chapter of Africa……………ooohhhhh and I haven’t yet explained my idea for Africa – that will have to wait after I’ve started earning money in Melbourne and have a roof over my head.
As I said in my previous post since being back in NZ I have been busy putting together a presentation of my travels and what I did to get to Antarctica.
This week I finally presented it, 4 times in fact. As you know public speaking is my passion and motivating the youth. I have thoroughly enjoyed it, but it was so cool yesterday where I presented it at my old college (now has 1500 students – things change aye!).
I experienced quite a few special moments but two will stand out for me. I had two kinda of shy 14 year old girls approach me after the school assembly and say “we just wanted to say thank you and let you know we found it really inspirational”.
The other moment was, I had a mother ring my home (I live in Richmond, it’s no that big) and tell me her 15 year old son had come home all excited talking about the guy who had spoken at their assembly.
This was REAL special to me. It just goes to show how such a little thing as a compliment has such a MASSIVE positive impact.
So folks, compliments are more precious than gold, so start mining and exploiting them and get them out there! That’s my little warm fuzzy lets hug and dance around in a field of daisy’s message for the week.
I hope you are all well. The coming month may also be a bit sparse on blog posts as my time will be spent looking for somewhere to live and most importantly a job to earn some much needed money. I also really want to do more speaking as well.
Nuthin but love Hap
Laura Bruce
Apr 1, 2010 -
Hey Hap, i’m Loz from Waicol, yr13.
I really enjoyed hearing about your adventures and it’s enspired me to get out there and see the world once i get my qualifications. (Geog and sociology) You only live once right, and there’s so many amazing things and places to explore that us in little old Nz can only imagine! Your sheer persistance in following your dream is inspirational, lol, good luck with everything! xoxo
Apr 2, 2010 -
Thanks so much for the comment, it means a lot and I glad you enjoyed the talk.
I wish you best of luck on your upcoming adventures, studies, travels and living your dream! You have some SUPER fun years ahead!