Here’s a post that I never got around to posting from my NZ roadie. Enjoy
There’s nothing like travelling and living abroad to really make me appreciate how lucky I am to have been brought up in New Zealand. It kinda makes you want to dance around and look like a complete idiot on the end of a jetty on a tranquil lake!
It was great to spend a month back home where I speak proper English and my American girlfriend Mandy has an accent. It’s great to go to the toilet and not the restroom, it’s great to put tomato sauce on my “fush’n’chups” and not ketchup, it’s great to be able to ask for a pen and not be asked “why do want a pin?”. Haha classic.
Whilst back in NZ catching up with friends and family Mandy and I went on a weeklong roadie. It’s been rather amusing after 60 hour bus rides in South America to be back in NZ where places that are “agers away” are actually only 5 hours drive away.
For those of you that care our South Island road trip consisted of Nelson to Hanmer Springs to Lake Tekapo, to Wanaka then back up the West Coast to Nelson.
But Instead of me boring you with names of places you haven’t been to and boring stories like the “man eating sand flies” etc etc, I will let the photos do the talking
Picnic time by a Lake close to Lake Tekapo (hey let’s face you probably don’t care about the name of the lake anyway)
Looks like this guy is off to a stag party. This is what I call a STAGgering photo!
Relaxing with a beer at Lake Ruataniwha outside of Twizel.
Our Wanaka host Sich lounging in his real kiwi bach (kiwi word for holiday home)
Who knows, this could be the Zambezi in a years time! Kayaking with Sich.
This is taken from the car window, it may look fake but it is actually real – I’m not “bullshitting”
Mandy on the shore of Lake Wanaka
Road side attraction West Coast style.
5 star camping!
A classic NZ landscape, good looking sheep hanging out in a paddock with mountains rising in the background.– oh yeah that’s Fox glacier in the background.
A seagull in flight
The famous pancake rocks
We stopped off at the Inagahua School fair. The school has 12 students, we met some good ol kiwi characters. For your information there were no boys in the barrel.
Apr 21, 2010 -
So many of the best Kiwi’isms. Love it (and everything that makes it home!)
Hope the new job is a cracker.