Howdy folks!
Remember me? I’m Hap, as in Happy but shorter, H A P. Yep I’m back, and I’m back with good news, hapworkingtheworld.com will continue to be entangled in your world wide web! Previously I thought I would make a separate blog for my African human powered working expedition but I’ve now managed to incorporate it into hapworkingtheworld.
So, this time next week hapworkingtheworld.com will be out of the operating theatre and looking sexier than ever with a little boob job and face lift. There will be all the same content, plus my expedition stuff, but with stunning new looks. I will keep you posted! Oh and the expedition plans are coming along nicely, all will be revealed!
Barney The Big Fat Purple Dinosaur
Jul 15, 2010 -
Shot bro! Look forward to seeing the blog in all its glory.
Paris tomorrow fyi…yippee.
Jul 15, 2010 -
You worry me Mr Matthews! make it to the tower for me, when Si and I were there back in 2005 we were enroute to the tower but got side-tracked by a bar sign that said “happy hours”……………………..never made it to the tower! love to linds
Jul 16, 2010 -
nice one bro. looking forward to the boob job and face lift…sisx
Jul 16, 2010 -
cheers sis, catch up for skype at some point.