Howdy folks,
Let me introduce you to the sexy stylish Final Continent Expedition logo (it’s usually minus the poo brown boarder, that’s just a setting with my blog):
Big thanks to super designer friend Abbie for donating her time and amazing design skills to whip us up a FCE logo. It first started when Abbie below jogged around for a little brain storm of ideas, then a dinner with Mandy and I over a couple of bottles of red wine to narrow her ideas down. So this is the final product, l love it.
We made some flyers up using the logo and I handed them out at the Melbourne bike festival that was held last week.
This is what I love about the Final Continent Expedition, everybody willing to help out, to be a part of it, to make the dream a reality. It’s great. Abbie is just one example of a friend helping us out. I will shed some light on other mates that are helping out in future posts.
Nov 30, 2010 -
Loving the collective work on this. Well Done guys! Nothing like a visual identity to get your message across. Now to slam it all over the website! Seems like the momentum is gathering around you. Any ideas on what dates your heading to Africa…I’m heading home in Sept and wonder if I can cross paths enroute…
Dec 4, 2010 -
hey Luv,
Will be arriving in Africa in June, hopefully the start. Still waiting on a few things before confirming arrival dates, but will be in June for sure. Would love to cross paths, only thing you would have to remember is that we will be on bikes, and being in Africa never know what could happen, so trying to plan a trip around us would be rather difficult, but if you willing to run the risk, then would be cool to catch up for sure!
Yeah, I feel super lucky to be surrounded by such talented and generous friends. And thank you Jo for all your support over the years, you have been on hapworkingtheworld from the get go. Big love. Oh yeah, speaking of talented and supported mates, wait til next week, Sich has finished the promo video, looking AWESOME!
Nuthin but love Hap
Dec 4, 2010 -
What a great logo, Super awesome…big ups to Abbie!
G and Mum
Dec 4, 2010 -
super lucky to have super talented friends wanting to help out and be a part of all this.