Howdy Folks,
Wow, just over 2 years ago I opened an email in my inbox with the subject line “possible book”. I remember the day clearly, Mandy and I had just arrived in Melbourne and since we didn’t have internet had gone to a local cafe. Mandy opened up the internet and my email inbox pops up, and she goes to me “Hap, you have an email here about a possible box”. My thought was ahhh, probably some “Nigerian Publishing Company” promising to publish my book if I send them my credit card details. But as it turned out, that email happen to be from my now editor, and no, not a fake Versace suit, “Dolex” watch wearing Nigerian scam artist, but an actual editor, the New Zealand commisioning editor of Australasia’s largest independant publisher, Allen & Unwin.
If I had known how bloody hard hard writing a book would be, how much time it would take, how I will probably end up making less than half the minimum wage by the end of it, how dedicated I needed to be, how lonely it can be, how frustrating it can be when it’s not flowing, how on those cold mornings when I had to get up and work 10 hours day in the Tasmanian mining industry but I had to get up an hour earlier so you can write that bloody book and then return after work for another hour of writing, I might have not replied to it. But I did reply to it, because it had been a dream of mine.
It was actually 3 years previous to gaining that email that I had committed to that dream of writing the book. The date was 14th of October 2007, a day that is not memorable to you, but a day that I will remember for the entirety of my life. It was the day I thought I was going to be in a wheelchair and blind for the rest of my life. I had fallen six metres from a rope swing and impacted on the base of my neck (and yep, that was as fun as it sounds). But little did I know at that moment, that was the best thing that could of happen to my writing career. Because lying there with my eyes open with nothing but darkness in front of me, I commited to writing about my travels, to writing a book. Eventually, my vision came back along with the sounds of the rescue helicopter. After four days in hospital I was told I needed at least three months of rest and rehabilitation. So with that, I took a loan off my sister to pay my travel credit card off and used the rest to buy my first lap top and set about starting this blog, Hap Working the World.
Nearly three years on from that day, I got that email from Allen & Unwin, and now just over five years from that day lying under the tree, Hap Working the World the book will be on shelves!
In my long winded ways of letting you know the book launch date, it is going to be Friday 26th of October. Everyone in Australia and New Zealand (the rest of the world can order from me online) will be able to rock up to their local book shop and grab themselves a copy, or maybe a few more for Christmas presents, and yes it will be out in ebook version as well. I will also be selling them on my new website which I’m currently constructing. I will have this website up and running by early October where you will be able to pre-order copies from me, so as soon as I get them I can send them out (And of course no worries if you’re overseas, I’ll post em your way). If you want me to deface it with my signature (if you’ve seen the disgrace that is my current signature, don’t fear I’m also currently re-inventing a new “Hap” signature) and a little message, it would be my pleasure.
So that’s that folks, what a crazy ol’ ride it’s been, I’m super excited about the book, I’m just really pleased with it, kind of like a landscaper standing back at a property they been working on all week, it’s a Friday knock off, they have a cold beer in hand and looking over the property they have transformed. Well, that’s how I feel, I’m definitely proud to have my name on the cover of it, and all those frustrating times, half minimum wage salary, lonely times, early mornings before work have been worth it!
I’d just like to take this time to thank all that have played a major part in the writing process of the book, my editor at A&U, and my assistant editors: My wife Mandy Cameron, my father Big Geoffrey Cameron and sister Jarnia Cameron, and all my mates that have been sounding boards and put forward their skills and opinions. Chur
Nuthin But Love Hap
PS everyone now knows what they are getting for Christmas from me!
al roberts
Sep 6, 2012 -
Best of luck with the launch matey!! & very well done on the marriage thing!!, just football missing from thi` life now!!. best wishes, alan.
Sep 6, 2012 -
cheers Al mate,
Funny you say that, as today I just joined a mate’s indoor footy team! classic! Hope Nelson treating you well.
Sarah Pennington
Sep 6, 2012 -
Place me down for a copy or two. Can’t wait xxx
Sep 7, 2012 -
Hey Sarah,
I’ll be letting everyone know when I have my website and ecommerce side of running, but for sure!
I hope the travel industry treating you well.
Mike Judd
Sep 7, 2012 -
You’re a beast, Hap. It was great to see the pictures of you and Mandy’s wedding. You know I’ll be buying the book. Much love from the US.
Sep 7, 2012 -
Cheers Mike, yeah the wedding was great! We’ll hopefully be able to have a catch up in April when I arrive in the States. Hope you doing well.
Sep 7, 2012 -
Congrats Hap – an amazing achievement. Take care and good luck with the book sales.
Have posted on my FB and Linkedin for all to see.
Lots of love from Hong Kong – Katie H x
Sep 8, 2012 -
Chur Katie,
You’re a star, hope HK treating you well. Man it’s crazy where we all end up eh!
take care,
Nuthin but love Hap
Sep 7, 2012 -
One of those photos looks awefully familiay Hap! 😉 Can’t wait to read your book!! Hoope you had enough Kristen-isms for each chapter!
Sep 8, 2012 -
Haha Jen,
I actually had Sarge as one of the main characters for Tassie, and plenty of “Kristen-isms”, but unfortunately for Sarge it didn’t make it through the first edit. As you can imagine it was probably for the best!!!! I really did want to put his “I’m the one ****** this cat, you just hold the tail!”, my personal favorite, but no. I did manage to pop a “Man ain’t a camel, can I get a beer” in there somewhere!
Hope you well Jen, no doubt you excited about summer coming to Tullah!
Big love to all the crew, tell Will I have new breakfast music “Tribal Seeds”, and tell Sarge if he needs any a Feildy mentor he can get in contact with me!
Tom Martin
Sep 10, 2012 -
good on ya hap! i came here looking to buy the book, but I will have to wait a while it seems. your doco movie night for bikes for humanity was bloody awesome. cant wait to hear about your next africa ride, hope to do it soon too.
Steve Hammond
Jan 1, 2013 -
Hi, Hap. I really enjoyed your book. It was a Christmas present from Alice. I’m a gnarly, grizzled, old geezer and was still inspired. Sarah just bought a second copy. “It’s in a good cause.” she said. So now I will read it twice and be doubly inspired. Cheers.
Jan 16, 2013 -
Cheers Steve, Glad you enjoyed it, I just sent the second copy of yesterday. You greedy bugger, having seconds 😉
Mar 21, 2013 -
Hap I picked up this book in Wellington, NZ in February. I pondered about it twice but I’m so glad I bought it (signed too).
I’ve been travelling for 4 months around the world covering 17 countries (rapid I know). Its been the biggest life changing experience and its inspired me to keep going an explore more.
It was a real interest reading up on your experiences and life as you travelled through all the options that confronted you along the way.
Best wishes to you and Mandy for all your future journeys together!!