Archive for Antarctica - page 3


The cruise ship industry is one with a strong hierarchy. All industries have hierarchies, but on cruise ships it’s even more obvious. Officers have their separate mess room where they eat in privacy away from the crew, as well as separate uniforms, etc. When addressing…

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Where have all the good people gone?

In the crew mess area the wide screen plasma TV shows Fox News each day. And each day it is a reminder to me that the past 7 years that I have been working the world and haven’t had a TV, I have been lucky….

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Working on the edge

On reflection, my first couple of weeks working were some of my toughest, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing (my fault, I put myself in this position), and anyone that has worked in a fast paced kitchen/dining environment will tell you it…

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Grossly ignorant or climate criminals?

G’day folks, I got the below email from friend BC in response to my post “what does 6 star mean”. BC is a man that always has his finger on the pulse when it comes to environmental and human rights issues, a man that if…

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