Beer, Bikes & Bands

A big thank you to Belinda for the art work. Also Elisha and of course Mandy for all the organising (and their team of little helpers – so many people to thank), they are doing an amazing job! So much time and effort has gone…

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$5000 donation

Howdy folks, Great news, Coca Cola USA has donated $5000! Yip, that’s $5000 that will be donated directly to BEN, Nambia. And that’s great news as it means BEN, Namibia will now have enough money to give our project the green light. A big thank…

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Bananas, bananas, bananas

Right now, what’s the first word that comes into your mind that starts with the letter B? I’m sure there were a few males out there that had beer or boobs come to mind, but the vast majority of you probably thought BANANA. Well, for…

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Another kiwi celebrating his 30th birthday in Africa

The other day I got an email from a fellow kiwi by the name of Chris Flack who will be spending his 30th birthday on the roof of Africa, Mt Kilmanjaro. I thought Chris’s email was more than worthy of a mention to shed some…

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