Shackleton’s resting place and giant slugs

Whilst in South Georgia I made the landing at Grytviken, which is the resting place of British explorer Ernest Shackleton. This site was where Shackleton organised his famous rescue operation to bring home his stranded team members after his ship the Endurance had been sunk…

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I’ve got a duck in my throat

Happy new year everybody! Well for me it was a good start to the New Year, well in the sense that I woke up to a beautiful bright blue skied Antarctic day, ice bergs and whales (sorry for the average whale photo) passing the restaurant…

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Penguin Refugee Camp.

This is what makes the blood shot racoon eyes from long hours and lack of sleep so worthwhile! Today I started early at 4am and was lucky to get off early at 8am. I was just in time to jump onboard the last zodiac heading…

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Christmas in the Falkland Islands

I hope everybody had a jolly ol Christmas. For me it was spent in the Falkland Island, well the 24th was spent in the Falklands and actual Christmas was spent at sea enroute to South Georgia Island where we arrive early tomorrow morning. I was…

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