2041 – A number worth mentioning!

Hey folks, It’s your man on the ground in Ushuaia, yep still here looking for my passage to the illusive continent. Everyday I am meeting people that have worked in Antarctica, knows someone working there, someone that has just got back from the continent, or…

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Meeting with a fellow kiwi in the end of the world

Last week I met with a fellow kiwi Richard Sidey, who my good friend Hazel told me about when she was visiting me in Paraguay. He is working as a photographer on a cruise ship, go and check out his blog or website, there are…

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I Arrived in Ushuaia

Howdy folks, Just letting you know that I arrived in Ushuaia, the proclaimed end of the world. There was patchy snow on the ground, 2˚C to welcome me. The past 2 days I have been here it has been snowing each day, there’s snow covering…

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It’s game time!

As I start to write this I am currently on the plane overlooking the green surrounds of Paraguay’s capital city Asuncion, my home for the last 3 months. I’m bound for Buenos Aires where I have an overnight 14 hour stopover before embarking on my…

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