Put this in your snorkel and drink it.

The day I have been working towards the past 5 weeks and also treading, finally came. It was time for my snorkel test, the last test I had to pass to become a dive master. I have explained the snorkel test in a previous post,…

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So why Argentina?

I should explain how Mandy and I came to the decision of Argentina. The Argentinian seed was first sown while having dinner in Georgetown, Malaysia. The restaurant had a very un-Asia feel about it, it felt like we could of been nestled away in a…

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The next chapter, Antarctica?

The yearly recruitment drive for work at New Zealand’s Scott Base in Antarctica closed last week. I applied for 2 jobs, the field support role and the cleaning role, the same as I did last year. Once again I was unsuccessful, or was I? Is…

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It’s funny, here I am in Thailand, living on a beautiful island, diving everyday. To the people reading my blog it may seem all very exotic, but like anything it just becomes a reality. I sometimes just take it for granted. Well not so much that I…

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