Some photos from the Ripon Hills Remote Camp.

The past 4 months I was located out at the Ripon Hills Regional Remote Camp.  There was myself and a Geo, the 4 man drill crew and the dozer driver.  It was a beautiful setting in the middle of nowhere.  Ripon was located 2 hours…

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Summer teasing us.

The weekend just been brought out hopes that summer is here. Although it doesn’t get “freezing” here in Perth, when you work up north and its beautiful this time of year, then you get off the plane for your R&R in Perth, you realise that…

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Villians and Super Heros

On my last R&R back in Perth there was a bit of a Shin Dig, a fancy dress party with the theme being Villians and super hero’s, there were some weird and wacky costumes, here’s a few photos, no doubt some of you will recognise some familiar…

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Bali a distant memory

OK, Its about time I give you all a bit of a run down on how Bali was.  There’s a couple of posts following this, one that has a link to photos, and another about my virginal day spa experience which portrays  my more warped…

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